(Japanese follows English 日本語が英語に続きます)
Bluish Media is a small creative business unit that produces and digitally distributes cross-lingual travel stories and narratives.
We plan, research, interview, write, translate/transcreate (including AI translation editing & proofreading), subtitle, edit, and distribute media content primarily in English [en-US] and Japanese [ja-JP]. While we are based in Tokyo and Sapporo, the editor/writer is virtually location-independent, thrilled to venture everywhere globally.
Our business
Web media publishing:
* DP:UR | Desire Paths, Uncensored Rove (travelogues+ in Japanese, partially in English)
* Japan Night Sights (night photos and proses in English and Japanese)
Text writing and editing
Regular and contracted contributions include:
* Japanese travelogue authoring for aviation and tourism publications (2012-)
* Japanese content writing and editing for web/print news media (2008-)
* Field direction, reporting, and interviewing for radio broadcastings (2007-)
- Recent contributing writing/editing sample LinkedIn Top Companies
- Past writing sample Feature article on Journal of IHI technologies
En/Jp translation and subtitle editing
Regular and contracted contributions include:
* Linguistic editing of web content for a multinational fashion house (2024-)
* Transcreation + editing for multinational media production companies (2022-)
* Subtitle translation and editing for global on-demand video streamers (2015-)
- Subtitling work samples
Red Bull TV [Skate Tales] S2E5, S3E5, [Greetings From] Philly.
(For Japanese subtitles, press [CC] and select (JP) in the player.)
Contracted Language Services Providers:
DeepL, TransPerfect, Wings4U, Mother Tongue, SoundTitles, and others.
For more information about the content creator, please see profiles on the Content Editor, Writer, and Translator page and LinkedIn.com and Paydesk.co.
Bluish Media(ブルーイッシュメディア)は多言語の旅のストーリーとナラティブを制作、デジタル配信する、小規模でクリエイティブなビジネスユニットです。
* DP:UR | Desire Paths, Uncensored Rove (紀行・旅行記ほか、日本語・一部英語)
* Japan Night Sights (ナイトフォトと散文、英語・日本語)
* 旅行媒体向けの日本語の紀行・旅行記の執筆 (2012-)
* ウェブと印刷によるニュース媒体向けの日本語と英語のコンテンツ制作 (2008-)
* ラジオ番組のフィールドディレクション、取材、インタビュー (2007-)
- 執筆と編集業務のサンプル LinkedIn Top Companies
- 過去の印刷媒体執筆サンプル IHI技報 特集記事
* グローバルブランドの多言語ウェブサイトコンテンツの編集業務 (2024-)
* 米国のクラウドベースのメディア企業向けのコンテンツの翻訳編集 (2022-)
* ビデオストリーミング企業向けの英日字幕翻訳の編集・制作 (2015-)
- 字幕翻訳・編集のサンプル
Red Bull TV [Skate Tales] S2E5, S3E5, [Greetings From] Philly.
(日本語字幕の表示はプレーヤー画面内の [CC] から (JP) を選択してください)
DeepL、TransPerfect、Wings4U、Mother Tongue、SoundTitles 他
コンテンツクリエイターについての詳細は、Content Editor, Writer, and Translator ページと LinkedIn.com と Paydesk.co のプロフィールページをご覧ください。
Contacts 連絡先
K. K. Yam (Keizo Kay Yamamoto ・ 山本ケイゾー)
Roving Editor, Writer, and Translator/Subtitler [en-US | ja-JP]
Bluish Media (a Tokyo-based registered sole proprietorship)
1-10-8 Dogenzaka,
Shibuya Dogenzaka Tokyu Build. 2F-C,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043 Japan
email: office@bluishmedia.com
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